Oh man...no matter how hard i try to stay asleep..I keep waking up around 7 o clock every morning! I realized its because im....yes...im going to say it...JET LAGGED hahahaha.
I know..im only 1 hour behind...thats why its so funny. So every morning I wake up around 7 oclock and sit in my room for 3 hours waiting for my sister to wake up....
Yesterday I finally met up with two of my friends and grabbed so very very very much need Pho time.
so good. Then we hoped back on the train and went all the way to China Town to meet up with Gavin to get 1.64 chinese toast.
but sadly...on our way we discovered that our favorite froYo place was going to be closed until FEB 14.....
We all literally fell to floor clutching our chest screaming....
what are we going to do?
I guess we will have to settle for red mango until then...
yeah..i said it...settle for red mango...this is how amazing the froyo is here...red mango doesn't even compare...
so if you live outside of chicago and you plan on visiting...please do not come before Feb 14...there is just no point when Joy Yee Plus is closed hahah.
Im already starting to break out a little on my face because my diet is back to pure grease and carbs...
i don't know how people diet in Chicago...theres just TO MUCH food to eat ALL THE TIME.
I'm so jealous of the Hungry Hound guy (Chicago food critic) who's picture is plastered on all the restaurant's walls. I want his job...
man..its so sad that all i think about is food...
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