Friday, March 12, 2010

im slowly trying to get off of facebook...
its like an addiction....
ive tried a few times but ive always relapsed...
so im going to take it step by step...
i feel encouraged today after bible study when a friend mentioned a book my Tim Keller...
I think im seriously going to read the book...
I dunno...theres something about facebook personally for me that just doesn't seem right..
im starting to feel like its just not natural.....
friendships are becoming really shallow because of it...
its becoming an addiction..keeping me from really socializing with ppl on a more deeper human level...
i dunno its different for everyone i guess
my sister is crazy about the internet world...but i understand her personality is different...shes a huge networker it kind of makes sense for her...
but for me...i dont think it really makes sense to have a facebook...

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